Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Fruits and Vegetables

In the last 2 weeks of May our project was on "Fruits and Vegetables." Children learnt about different types of Fruits and Vegetables. Their description, taste and the difference between the two. We did a paper mache activity where they all created their favourite fruit! Another activity they did was an observation drawing of lettuce, carrot and cucumber.
Observation Drawing (Vegetables)
A Demonstration for the children

Children intensely doing their own observation

Papier Mache (Fruits)

Monday, 28 May 2012

Our class pet!

Scientific studies have proved that it is beneficial to own pet fish. It was discovered that people who own fish have reduced stress levels, it helps in lowering of blood pressure, improvements in altzheimer's patients and calming in hyperactive children. It is very relaxing and hypnotic to watch fish swimming in aquariums. The care required in having pet fish gives individuals diagnosed with health conditions a reason to continue living, and patients with pets frequently live longer than those who do not.

Children getting a chance to feed the fish


Skills that are taught during lamda help to enhance children's literacy levels, listening skills and learning to follow instructions.

Story Time with a Moral

Immitating Various Animals

Various Facial Exressions

Traffic Signal Game

My Family

The new project for the 2nd week of May was My Family. Children learnt about the importance of their family and the respect that should be given to each and every family member. They also learnt about Aqa Moula's (T.U.S.) Family. As the same week was coinciding with "Mothers Day" Kg 2 also celebrated that special day!

Family Portrait
Children did ring printing for the background

They then coloured the frames

Then cut the edges to give the log effect

They stuck their pictures on the background

The frames were then stapled together

Mother's Day Card


During the 3rd week of May Kg 2 did the project on "Plants." Children learnt about the growth and parts of a plant. We also did an experiment on a flower where children observed how a plant absorbs water.

A white rose in a glass of coloured water

As the rose absorbs the water it changes its colour.

Children also collected different plants and made a collage during their Art Lesson.

P.E and Swimming.


Physical education is an integral part of the total education of every child in Kindergarten through Grade 12.
Quality physical education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be physically active for a lifetime.
Stress Reduction - Physical activity becomes an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety, and facilitates emotional stability and resilience.
Strengthened Peer Relationships - Physical education can be a major force in helping children socialize with others successfully and provides opportunities to learn positive people skills. Especially during late childhood and adolescence, being able to participate in dances, games and sports is an important part of peer culture.
Improved Self-confidence and Self-esteem - Physical education instills a stronger sense of self-worth in children based on their mastery of skills and concepts in physical activity. They can become more confident, assertive, independent and self-controlled.
Experience Setting Goals - Gives children the opportunity to set and strive for personal, achievable goals.

warm up

Making a Circle

Warm up Exercises

 Learning how to throw and catch the ball.


Learning how to kick into the Goal Post

Swimming is a skill that all kids should learn and it is a skill that remains with them throughout their lives. Children should be involved in swimming lessons to become comfortable with the water. They should learn to swim from a trusted adult so that it can be an enjoyable experience. Children should be given opportunities to swim once they have learned how, so they can continue to build on their new abilities and develop good form and technique. Photo Credit swim practice image by tomcat2170 from
Swimming is a skill that all kids should learn and it is a skill that remains with them throughout their lives. Children should be involved in swimming lessons to become comfortable with the water. They should learn to swim from a trusted adult so that it can be an enjoyable experience. Children should be given opportunities to swim once they have learned how, so they can continue to build on their new abilities and develop good form and technique.
Swimming can provide varying health benefits for children. Children shouldn't be performing strength training exercises with weights, but swimming provides natural resistance. This resistance will stimulate their muscles and help build strength. In addition, swimming provides a cardiovascular workout that children can do for an extended period of time.