Saturday, 15 December 2012

STAR OF THE WEEK: Fatema Hassanali

The week of 3rd December 2012, Fatema Hassanali from Kg 2 was our 'Star of the Week'. Fatema carried out all the activities that were in the program. On Friday the stars were honored with a certificate during Friday activity, their parents were also invited to grace the occassion.

Show and Tell

     Story Time with Mummy!

My Family Book

Star of the Week certificate!

Jamhuri Day!

On Thursday 6th December 2012 high school children had organised celebrations for Jamhuri Day. Where the history of Kenya's independance was explained.


Human Body Parts

Our new project after fruits and vegetables is the parts of the human body. The children, before closing for the holiday's, learnt about the basic parts of the human body where the then drew each other in parteners for their art activity. Next we learnt about the skeleton. After that we learnt about the basic organs and its functions. These are some of the activities that we carried out in class on the subject.

STAR OF THE WEEK: Abizer Musajee

During the week of  27th to 30th November 2012, Abizer Musajee carried out the activities for the star of the week program.


Show and tell.

Star of the Week Certificate

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Field Trip to Nelion Farms

Yes! Our Fruits and Vegetables concept is over and to wrap it up we headed down to the farm to view them. On Thursday 8th November 2012 at 9.00 a.m. we zoomed down to the farm. We were greeted and welcomed by Mrs. Mwangi who explained to us all about the various vegetables and fruits including onions, spring onion, carrots, cabbage, corn, capsicum, apples, lemon, oranges and many more!