Saturday, 14 December 2013

Parents Noticeboard: December

Dear Parents,

Its hard to believe our first term is over and Its time to get ready for the holidays! This month our theme was on The Human Body and children learnt through different activities. November was a fun month as we had our 1st field trip and oh what an experience the children had.
It is rewarding to see our children growing academically and socially more and more each day! 

This term, we have learnt quite a lot of sight words that will help us with our reading. Yes parents, you read right, READING!!! We are hoping to start reading the Oxford Reading Tree Books once we re-open for the second term. Therefore, ensure that during the holidays children do not forget their sight words, keep reinforcing them. Kindly note that sight words (look and say) are only to be read and not written.

We also started reading the 'a' set of the 3 letter words. A list of words were sent home. Kindly practice with your child.

This term, we have also introduced extra sports coaching for Kg 2 and Kg 3 as an extra curricular after school activity. We encourage you to send your child.

Important Dates:
1st Term:
23rd August to 09th December 2013
2nd Term:
6th January to 11th April 2014
3rd Term:
22nd April to 16th July 2014
Special Note:
During Swimming lessons please ensure your child wears sports shoes. In case of cold weather we will not be able to swim so your child will do P.E. instead.

We want to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas break and a wonderful New Year!


Field Trip - Dairy Farm and Fruits and Vegetable farm

This term we had our field trip to a farm that combined both of our themes of Fruits and Vegetables and Milk and Milk Products. Children got to see the different fruits and vegetables and how they are grown, and for those brave ones a great experience of milking a cow.

 Cows being milked through the machines

Children having a go at milking the cows

Fruit and Vegetable Farm

Star of the Week - Munira Ezzi

Our last star of the week for the 1st term was Munira and she also continued with The Human Body.


Show and Tell - My toy baby and my coloring book and crayons

Story time with Mummy!

Activity with the class - making a face using origami method

 Star of the Week Certificate

Star of the Week - Hatim Ebrahimjee

In the last week of November, after Ashara break, Hatim was our star of the week and his theme was The Human Body.


 Show and Tell

Story time with Mummy!

Activity with the class

Star of the Week Certificate

Theme: Milk and Milk Products

Art Activity - Cow Mosaic

 The finished cow on our board

Mufaddal made a mobile at home of all the milk products :-)

Star of the Week - Ebrahim Dr. Hassan

As we finished our project of Fruits and Vegetables, our next theme was Milk and Milk Products, and during this theme our star of the week was Ebrahim.


Show and Tell - My sweet popping toy

Story time with Mummy!

Activity with the class - making a yogurt carton

Star of the Week Certificate