Friday, 19 April 2013

Star of the Week: Sakina Koserali

The week of 8th March 2013 Sakina Koserali from Kg 2 was our 'Star of the Week'. Sakina carried out all the activities that were in the program. On Friday the stars were honored with a certificate during Friday activity, their parents were also invited to grace the occassion.

Poster - About Myself

Show and Tell

Mummy telling my favourite story in class.

My family photos.

Star of the Week Certificate

Tree Planting Day!

Following the Farman of Ali Qadar Moula (T.U.S.) MSB had a tree planting day where each class planted a tree. The kg2's planted an umbrella tree.


Wednesday, 3 April 2013


Following the Farman of Ali Qadar Moula (T.U.S.) MSB participated in a week long exercise on the concept of haram and halal products. The program took place as follows:

Monday- Wendesday: Teacher had a circle time and discussed all issues related to "haram and halal". Batulben also showed them PPT on the different products.
Thursday: Children completed a sticking activity. They searched for haram pictures from the magazine and pasted on the poster made.
Friday: Mariamben carried out the Friday Activivty. A PPT was showed to enhance on the topic and three different level games where played accroding to each class. Kg 1 crossed out pictures that were haram from the two showed. Kg 2 picked items off the table which were halal. Kg 3 drew different haram pictures.



Star of the Week: Mustafa Essajee

The week of 11th March 2013 Mustafa Essajee from Kg 2 was our 'Star of the Week'. Mustafa carried out all the activities that were in the program. On Friday the stars were honored with a certificate during Friday activity, their parents were also invited to grace the occassion.

Poster - East or West Mombasa is the Best!

Show and Tell

Mummy telling my favourite story in class.

My family photos.

Star of the Week Certificate