Monday 4 June 2012

Field Trip to Fresh Fruits Groceries

During our Fruits and Vegetables Project, we went for a class field trip to a fruits and vegetables shop. The children observed different sorts of fresh fruits and vegetables and learnt all about them.

We managed to buy some fruits such as apples, oranges, pineapple, kiwi, guava, avacado,banana, watermelon, paw paw, pear, strawberries, tree tomato, mango. For our follow up activity, we made yummy fruit salad!

Teacher's cutting the fruits.

Each child getting a turn to mix the fruits after they've been cut.

The yummy mix fruit salad ready for eating :-)

All nursery children got to eat a bowlfull of the delicious fruit salad.

1 comment:

  1. great project...... and a healthy one too.
    zainab taher
