Friday 7 September 2012

Chocolate Day!

Whew! We made it to Wednesday! We had another fun and busy day! We celebrated the "World's Chocolate Day" on the 5th September. We called parents to join in with the celebration! oh we had a yummy day:)

                                                        We watched how chocolate is made.

 The Kg 3 performed a poem about the different types and kinds of chocolate

 The Kg 2 each came up and said a riddle which answer was a chocolate's name for the parents to try out!

Thanks to a mummy from Kg 1 we all got together and yippee made chocolate balls...roll roll some more and pop in our little tots mouth!

Then we blended in some delicious creamy chocolate smoothie for our children and guests to enjoy and gulp down!

Children also had a scrumptious chocolate mousse during snack time!

In class children rolled some more chocolate balls from moulding dough!

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