Thursday 25 October 2012


Our next project after plants was yummy and healthy fruits! We learnt about the importance of eating fruits and its benefit to our body. Children observed the different ways fruits are stored. We discussed many ways we can eat them. The children did various activities as shown below. For our activity, we did paper mache, where children created fruits and painted them.
We played a game where children tried guessing the fruit by tasting them while they were blindfolded. 
We also made delicious lemonade and later, made a craft of lemonade glass and a rhyme to sing along with.
The children also learnt about dried fruits and got to taste a few of them. We also made a graph on the favourite fruit of Kg 2. 
It was an appetizing project!

Papier Mache Fruits.


Dry Fruits.

Making Lemonade!


Tasting and guessing the fruit when blindfolded.


                                                            Kg 2 Fruit Graph!

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