Saturday 6 October 2012

Growth of a Plant

Our second project is on "Growth of Plants"...another important theme where children learn to appreciate and care for our nature.
Our Project Board

To understand how a plant grows and what it needs to grow we did a simple experiment. Yes! we took a carrot top and grew it in 3 different locations.

This one is placed in an ideal location where sunlight, air and water are all available.

This carrot top is placed in a dark room without any light

The last one is placed without any water

After five days of observation the results are visible! When we got back Monday morning children were amazed with the results.

Children realised the necessity of each without which a plant cannot grow.

Children also did an activity on cutting and pasting the steps of the parts of the plant.

 Our plant is ready!

To enhance on the theme children did a plant collage. We went for a nature walk and then children collected various plant parts and using their creativity stuck them on paper.

We learnt lots of poems on plants on one we made a craft of an apple tree.
Finger painting and pasting 5 apples on the tree

We read one of my favourite story "The Enormous Turnip" which the children acted it out, retold the story and drew the story from what they recalled using their imagination.

During the third week we explored the seeds more deeply. Children brought from home varieties of seeds and understood that in fact our diet consists of lots of seeds. Then we sorted our collection of seeds into two parts one that are edible and non edible.
Children also learnt a peas in a pod rhyme to connect with our seeds topic. Then they made a craft as seen below. They rolled the peas with the paper mache and inserted them in the pod. We made the pods from a card cut in a circle shape, which we painted and folded.

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