Thursday 1 November 2012

STAR OF THE WEEK! Adam Dossaji

This year the Nursery has introduced "Star of the Week!" Every week one child from Kg 1, Kg 2 and Kg 3 have a week dedicated to different activities. This new activity has been specially created to encourage our children's self-confidence and language. From Monday 29.10.12 to Thursday 01.11.12 ADAM DOSSAJI from our class was our 'Star of the Week!'. He presented a poster to his classmates on Monday describing himself. On Tuesday he brought a special item for "Show and Tell!" to share with the class. On Wednesday his mother came to read Adam's favourite story book and on Thursday he brought his family photos and a special person to meet his friends. Next Friday he shall be presented with a "Star of the week" certificate infront of the whole nursery.





Monday - Poster




Tuesday - "Show and tell"

My favourite pillows


 My Hobby is collecting different sort of stickers.



Wednesday - Story time from mummy!



    Moral of the story :- We should always say 'sorry' if we have done something wrong and most importantly learn to 'forgive'. Thank You!



Thursday - Talk about Family and Friends




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