Sunday 10 February 2013

Friday Activity - Making Kalamro!

For our Friday activity on 8th February 2013, Muniraben Moiz demonstrated how to make Kalamro. She related this to our Senses project (sense of taste) and also because we were celebrating Milad un Nabi this month of Rabi ul Awal. She demonstrated step by step how to go about making the kalamro. Children also learnt new sight words that were used to describe the ingredients and methods used to cook the kalamro.

 Step one: You soak rice in water overnight

Step two: You then boil the rice and mash it

Step three: You add the ingredients into the mashed rice (Yogurt, sugar, sweet milk, fresh cream)

Step four: You mix everything together until well blended

All the children of the nursery got a turn to mix the kalamro




Finally, the yummy kalamro decorated with almonds, being served at breaktime to the children

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