Saturday 4 May 2013

Parents Notice Board: May

Dear Parents,
Goodbye April, Welcome May! This month we have some fun and exciting things to look forward too!
We had a blast in our Milk and milk products theme! We tried out different milk products and the kg 2's decided that their most favourite product is ICE CREAM. Children did a brilliant performance during our Friday Activity on a short play related to the Theme. The children deserve a pat on their backs! Thank you to the parents for coming to view the Friday activity which boosted our children's self esteem.
During the month of May we are focusing on the theme of Rain, rain wear, rain creatures. and rainbow. The theme is interesting and we plan to have some splish splash activities! Please encourage your child by sending anything related to the theme. If you have any story books related to the theme, please send it with your child. We would love to read it to our class!

This month we have also introduced a "Visual Timetable" for our children in class. Early in the morning children are informed of the upcoming events in the class through the day. Encourage your child to inform you what they did in class that day.
Have you ever considered volunteering for Friday Activity? We love to have mothers come in to help and plan a Friday Activity. If you are interested kindly make an appointment by Monday 06.05.13 with us to organise any activity. You can also form a group with other mothers in Kg 2.
The cold season also brings with it the usual flu bugs and colds. If your child is not feeling well, please keep them home so they can rest. If your child has vomited within 24 hours before they are to come to school, or has had diarrhoea, they should not attend nursery school. Children who are coughing or sneezing a lot, or have a consistently runny nose, should also stay home to avoid passing the illness on to other children.
Please remember to jot down a note in the diary if your child was absent.

Flu Prevention:

Help your child with the following preventions from flu!
  • Wash hands regularly
  • Don't touch your face
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Use a tissue when you cough or sneeze
  • Cover your mouth with your crook of your arm/elbow not with your hands when you have to cough.
Important Reminders:

Please return the folders that we send your child's monthly work covered in school.
 Please ensure you return the reading book with the record keeping card every Monday.
Karzan Hasanah cards and money will be collected every Friday.

You can send money every Friday for our school's sadaka and nazrul makam collection. This is an exercise carried out to help your child learn its importance.

Kindly send an old oversize short sleeve shirt for your child to wear during painting. Please ensure it is always in the bag for your child to use. Wash during the weekends.

Every Friday we shall have our Library Day where your child will bring a story book home. Kindly read the story to your child and return back on the next Friday without fail in order for your child to get another one. Any damaged or lost book will have to be replaced.

Special Note: "Remember to read with your child as often as possible!"

P.E. will take place every Monday. Kindly ensure that your child wears the P.E. uniform under the school uniform and comes wearing sports shoes that day.

Swimming will take place every Wednesday. Kindly make sure your child wears the swimsuit under the school uniform to save changing time. Also send arm bands and swimming cap if available. Swimming will be determined as per the weather. As the cold season hits us we'll be having P.E. instead. 
Games to help your child with reading the "sight words"
  1. Bingo! write sight words on a paper. As you call out each word ask your child to mark it.
  2. Memory Game! The traditional game of memory. Make flash cards of sight words where their are two cards of the same word. Arrange them turned down. Your child has to find its match by turning over the card.
  3. Have your child copy write with markers, chalk, crayons..etc
  4. Provide your child with an old magazine or newspaper. Tell him/her to cut out any sight words he/she can find. Or if you have a highlighter ask your child to highlight the words he finds!
  5. When you read the library book with your child sitting next to you. Encourage him/her to look for any words he/she can read.
  • Peter
  • Jane
  • the
  • you
  • into
  • want
  • here
  • has
  • they
  • toys
  • shop
  • like
  • sweets
  • home
  • come
  • some
  • he
  • to
  • go
  • tree
  • a
  • and 
  •  said
  •  in
  • I
  • it
  • on
  • is
  • at
  • we
  • can
  • are
  • this
  • have
  • no
  • look
1ST TERM: 24th Aug – 9th Nov 2012

Ashara Mubarakah 10th – 25th Nov (14 days)
2ND TERM: 27th Nov 2012 – 29th Mar 2013
Dec Holidays 7th Dec 2012 – 3rd Jan (26 days)
March Holidays 30th Mar – 14th April (16 days)
3RD TERM: 15th Apr 2013 – 19th July 2013

  • Find below a list of helpful links that will assist you with your child
Exact pronunciation of each sound a-z
Numeracy Exercises online
Games to help your child in literacy and numeracy
Ebooks online! Enjoy reading a story online with your child.
  • Check out KG 1 and KG 3 blogs on the following links below:

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