Saturday 8 March 2014

Parents Noticeboard: March

Dear Parents,
Goodbye February, hello March! We shall have our 1st Session report day soon. The date will be notified in the diary. Please not that only parents are to attend the report day not any other family members or relatives.
February Recap:
We continued with our "Senses" theme during the 1st week. We will now introduce our new theme on "Rain". This is a vast theme that will include, The water cycle, rain wear, rain creatures and rainbow. The post will follow in March of all the activities done.

I would like to thank Arwa ben Jamaly and Nafisa ben Alibhai for helping us out and taking care of KG 1 and KG 2 while the teachers had traveled to India for ziyarat.
The AFEW art entries are to be submitted by 20th March 2014. This year the theme is on "Our Wildlife, our Heritage, our Responsibility." You can use any art medium. The minimum size is A3.

Children are now getting comfortable and fluent with their reading. Well done! Please note we continue to introduce new sight words and they will be updated in the work covered note that is sent every month, so make sure your child revises them daily so as to be at par with class level.

Kindly note the whatsapp class group is for only teachers to relay a message. Please don't reply unless required. For any personal inquiry use the diary or in emergency call us. Thank you.

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